The only blog about Pressure Vessel Safety and FEA simulation

That FEA problem used to drive me mad It happened to me a countless number of times. I had just finished to set up my FEA model and run the analysis and I knew more or less what range of stresses I wanted to find. I was waiting for the results to confirm that… BUT…As … Read more

Buckling is a dangerous phenomenon which can cause sudden failure of the structure, leading to potential economic or even life losses. It is therefore important to understand the buckling behaviors if the design involves slender structures bearing compressive load, that is commonly encountered in large steel structures of marine & offshore, mining and construction industries. … Read more

In the finite element method, when structural elements are used in an analysis, the total stress distribution is obtained. Therefore, to produce membrane and bending stresses, the total stress distribution shall be linearized on a stress component basis and used to calculate the equivalent stresses. If shell elements (shell theory) are used, then the membrane … Read more

Few Months ago, I performed a webinar about Design Optimization and it was one of the most successful webinar I ever performed. Hundreds of engineers registered and participated to this live event (I received more than 30 questions about design optimization directly to my inbox). –> Recording is available here if you are interested. Not … Read more

Why are some peopleĀ afraid of failure and other aren’t? Have you ever wondered the answer to this question? (If you don’t know about the power of questions, read this previous post) Everyone can be wrong, that’s normal.

Have you some experience with buckling analysis of composite cylinders? Composite materials are used a lot in pressure vessels because of their great structural properties (see below), so I decided to write something about them in tha case of a buckling analysis (to continue on the previous post about bucklingĀ I wrote) I found this awesome … Read more